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The Watchtower Trilogy

New York headquarters of Watch Tower Bible and...
Follow the money...

Here is the series of three recent Watchtower (so-called “Jehovah’s Witnesses”) films I made on three consecutive Sundays recently.

In this one, I had received a surprise call from two ladies wanting to talk about the Bible, but not initially identifying their organisation. On impulse, I just grabbed the camera and filmed this discussion covertly on the balcony.

It finished off as you can tell with my challenge for them to return. They probably would not have come back at all without my telling them that they wouldn’t and using their desire to prove me wrong, but of course when they did come back for round to they pulled in reinforcements. Katie wasn’t allowed to have a second dose of truth, but Peter the Elder stood in for her, and he is much heavier duty artilliery, that’s why he’s an Elder…

In any event Peter wasn’t allowing discussion of certain matters or he would have walked out. He also was in no mood to return for another helping the following week, so the last in the series is me on my own telling the things that he wasn’t going to let me put to him and still remain in situ.

Anyway, if anyone would like more information on the origins of Watchtower and its connections with other unwholesome things, the best source is Fritz Springmeier‘s book “The Watchtower and the Masons”. I’m not stating that I necessarily agree with Fritz in all aspects or align myself with him, but the arguments made in there are the ones that people seeking to exonerate C T Russell need to deal with. The book is available for free in various parts of the internet.

The above films caused a strong desire on the part of some JWs to debate, and of course that all came up against the threading issues in YouTube, and the wordcount limit. My suggestion is that if you want to debate at further length, this is a better place to do so as it should be threading properly and allow you to say everything you need to say in response to the films. I am not trying to censor debate by you Watchtower on the films – quite the opposite!  And you’ll still be able to comment there, nobody has been squelched, but I will place a link to this article in the descriptions of those films stating that the comments to this article here in Huliganov TV are the preferred place. You will need a wordpress account to make the most of it, but that is free. You can comment without being a wordpress registered user, but you have less functionality, so I recommend doing so if you can.

Several people, whose identities I won’t reveal, have contacted me privately seeking Jesus Christ after these films. All Christians watching, please pray for these people to be saved and reach assurance of salvation, and also for the people I’ve been speaking to in the films, that they will come out of darkness and error into rightful understanding of the person and work of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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