A message about homophobes

Playout date: 14 October 2006
Camera: Logitech Webcam
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – slight use
Location: Home
Other people featured: None
Genre: Spoof
Music used: Promise Me” by Beverly Craven – Karaoke
Languages used: Geordie English
Animals featured: None

Polish-origin Geordie Peter Paczek (pronounced Poncheck) returns to give us a quick lesson for foreigners learning English.

One of the pitfalls for learners of English is the problem of homophobes in English, Peter says. That’s words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Here is a guide to some of them.

We finish up with a rendition of Beverly Craven’s lovely song “Promise Me”. Don’t miss the comments to this one by clicking through to the YouTube original via the video above – there are some classical ones among the comments to this one!

2 thoughts on “A message about homophobes

  1. Excellent! Top Notch! I’m going to keep a look out for homophobes in my daily life now, they can be hard to spot you know!

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