I passed my JLPT N5 exam.


In case you can’t make out the image of the score report, I got 112 out of 180. The pass mark is only 80 out of 180 as there is so much in it that even more fluent readers are pressed for time. The “grades” amounted to A for vocabulary , A for grammar and B for reading. In the listening part I got 35 out of 60. The sectional pass mark for that bit is 19 out of 60 so my fears that I might not make it in that section (which is my weakest) turned out to be unfounded.

So it’s full steam ahead to do the next level next December.

5 thoughts on “I passed my JLPT N5 exam.

  1. Congratulations! I hope to take the N4 in December too in London (I’m skipping N5).

    What approach/course are you using? I’m finding assimil to be a very interesting method. I’m still in the passive/understanding stage of the course but finding I’m retaining a lot of the vocab and kanji I’ve been exposed to so far.

    1. I’ve got a bunch of methods going on,.I have a couple of goldlists, one nearly finished in Roomaji and another in full Japanese writing, I do readthekanji.com and uniquely (I don’t do this in any other language) I have had lessons from a University graduate who is Polish who is a preety reasonable teacher in that he lets me pick his brains rather than impose some dumb lesson plan.

  2. I want get my JLPT N5 test result in December 2010 .I already lost my results sheet.how can get it

    1. I imagine if you write to the JLPT people they will tell you how to get a replacement. If you like I can do this for you, but it will be at cost plus 100% payable in advance.

Your thoughts welcome, by all mean reply also to other community members!