Hotel Room & Lost Luggage Kit (South Africa series 1/10)

Playout date: 12 November 2006
Camera: Fuji Finepix
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – slight use
Location: Cape Town Arabella Sheraton, South Africa
Other people featured: None
Genre: Hotel Room Review
Music used: “This could be heaven for everyone” by Queen
Languages used: English
Animals featured: None

This is a video you might like to watch if you are interested in the sorts of things that might happen if they lose your luggage on an intercontinental flight.

We have a look at the room I got at the Arabella Sheraton in Capetown. They managed to lose my luggage (that was my first time so far for lost luggage, first of many) and so we have a look at KLM‘s so-called “care collection”. I had lost luggage with Lufthansa and with KLM and both of those companies behaved properly. I had lost luggage with SAS and they were hopeless and impossible. When the luggage finally appeared it had been plundered and no compensation was available as it was only one day before the 14 days they say.

The upshot is I never flew SAS again, but I still fly Lufthansa and KLM with confidence.

2 thoughts on “Hotel Room & Lost Luggage Kit (South Africa series 1/10)

  1. You “commented” on one of my posts just to lead people to your blog? No comment, no insight? That’s not cool.

    Also, for a “Conservative Christian”, I’m not sure why you’re using music by Queen. Not only was he gay, he was an atheist.

    1. What I did was a pingback, Nick. It’s not what you think it is.

      When some wordpress bloggers use certain features included in wordpress, called Semanta, what it does is suggest relevant blogs by other people that have got some themes in common. It offers me the chance to add your post to the end of my post, which in fact leads people FROM my blog TO your blog.

      You’ll see the link to the relevant article at the bottom of this article. It’s the third and final one there.

      What then happens is that you get the chance to accept my pingback, and if you accept it, then something similar happens for this post at the end of your post. Which is fair, and so most people do accept pingbacks. This is not the same as comment spam, which I would never do.

      You didn’t accept my pingback, so the link from you to me is not there, but your advert from here to your blog is still there. Although if you don’t like it, of course I can easily remove it. But at the moment it’s not me being uncool. I’ll happily comment with insight or something another time, but this was a pingback, so I can’t do that on a pingback no matter how much insight I’ve got, or haven’t got.

      As to your second point, you say why am I using Queen if I am a Christian – am I really supposed to put like hymns or something on all my videos? Or not listen to someone’s voice just because they were homosexual? You sound like you might be a bit like one of those very intolerant and simplistic religious types who brings Christians into disrepute. Either that or you are trying to find out if I am one.

      I can’t make everyone agree with my theology. I certainly can’t make anyone like women if they don’t. But that is not a good reason not to appreciate their talents, which came from God anyway and nobody’s perfect. I’m not going to stand in judgement over Freddy Mercury. He has a Judge as we all do and that isn’t me, but someone who really knows him inside out. God knew all the successes and failures of Freddy same as he does of all of us, and certainly doesn’t weigh anyone in the balance merely based on one single weakness alone, but takes anybody as a complete person. And there is nobody who will stand that scrutiny, all our sins will be seen, whether it’s sex outside marriage or just plain pride and arrogance. Nobody can afford to be judgmental. We’ve all failed. But God is love and gives us a way of reunion and forgiveness in the cross of Christ.

Your thoughts welcome, by all mean reply also to other community members!