Wandering Star


Playout date: 9 December 2006
Duration: 4:26
Views at the time added to HTV: 3,530
Likes at the time added to HTV: 18
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 27
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 40.0%
Comments at time added: 12
Total interactions at time added: 57
Camera: Logitech Webcam
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – slight use
Location: Office at Jazdow
Other people featured: None
Genre: Song only
Music used: Lee Marvin’s “Wandrin Star” from Paint Your Wagon, karaoke version
Languages used: English
Animals/plants featured: Fishtank in background with Ameca splendens
Other remarks:

This was quite well-received at first, but over time voted down, either because I had a time when opponents in debate would come and do it, or because peoples standards grew from what they were in the earlier days of YT when the community tended to encourage each other.

Either way, doesn’t matter. I know where the faults are in the rendition, these days I sing it better, and also I don’t make video to please the masses, first and foremost I make video to please myself. Pleasing or displeasing others is a by-product. On balance I get pleasure from people who like what I do, but if they don’t then I expect that anyway so I lose nothing.

Your thoughts welcome, by all mean reply also to other community members!