Christmas Tree Decorating Timelapse

Playout date: 10 December 2006
Duration: 11:03
Views at the time added to HTV: 1,614
Likes at the time added to HTV: 7
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 13
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 35.0%
Comments at time added: 7
Total interactions at time added: 27
Camera: Logitech Webcam
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – heavy use
Location: Home
Other people featured: Family
Genre: Family
Music used: White Christmas, and several other Christmas songs
Languages used: English
Animals/plants featured: Plastic fir tree
Other remarks:

This was still very much in my experimental phase of making videos. We have a sped up putting together of the tree as we used to do it, with the voices of our family sped up with the actions. At the same time some Christmas music. You can hear our singing sped up. That’s how we always were, singing to each other and playing instruments the whole time. And Tatyana bouncing around. Such sweet kids.

12 thoughts on “Christmas Tree Decorating Timelapse

  1. Dear David,

    I don’t imagine that you’re typing them in manually, but something is damaging the links that you’re embedding. Other than that, thanks for sharing.


  2. Having spoken recently about changes to the virtual world, one feature I miss about the site is the recent comments feed which was always down around the “Would you buy a book from this Professor?” Amazon blurb. It always led me to the most recent, dynamic ongoing discussions to be found on the site.

    At any rate, it’s good to see you posting again.

    1. (Even dedicated language users are susceptible to the temptation of dangling participles, it would seem.)

  3. He seems to be more popular among Catholics, but what’s your take on G. K. Chesterton?

    On the Protestant side, how about Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)?

    If you’ve spoken of them already, and I do seem to have run across some reference to Chesterton which I cannot now find, my apologies. A site-specific search of each on Google returns nothing.

    1. It occurs to me that I might preempt fears of treading on cherished hallowed ground—I know little of Carroll and less of Chesterton. As a student of literature, I must agree with mainstream literary evaluations of Carroll and admit that I find there but moderate literary merit; as a student of mathematics, on the other hand, I do find his work worthy of selective attention, particulary his method for calculating the day of the week for any date on the Gregorian calendar and his discussions of voting systems and Euclid. His widely assumed personal asexuality is certainly taken up as a lurid juiciness for the psychoanalysts, but one can never underestimate the overwhelming sway of repression, religious or otherwise, and I daresay that the psychoanalytic reading of a great many respected mathematics teachers and clerics, had they left wherewith to psychoanalyze them, would yield equally surprising results. Frank contemplation of such aspects of his life can at times be nonetheless troubling.

      With Chesterton, I have principally the impression of a singly unswerving thinker who, agree or disagree as you will with his founding assumptions, sought to reconcile with logical soundness his profoundest beliefs with his most straightforward observations of the world around him. Accounts of his manner, devotions, and political positions may well detract at times.

      With both, I welcome critiques of their work and thought; I ask you about them because you seem likely to be aware of both, if not also well-informed, and I suspect you would have a thoughtful perspective to offer.

      The most I care to say about myself here in public is that I was raised Protestant, so that you might have a reference point for my participation here.

      1. All I can really remember reading of Chesterton is this priestly detective character. Father Brown (as opposed to Father Ted) which is quite light reading really and without much philosophical loading and I think you can say the same for the Alice books by Lewis Carroll. Since I never read anything meaty by either of them, I cannot really pass comment on their thought lives, but maybe that’s a gap and I should fill it.

        Too many good authors, too little time.

        1. Yes, that’s for sure. The volume of great reading that remains to be done never decreases. Thanks for responding. I’ll have to look into Father Brown.

Your thoughts welcome, by all mean reply also to other community members!