Geneva evening e-video

Playout date: 4 February 2007
Duration: 11:03
Views at the time added to HTV: 688
Likes at the time added to HTV: 5
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 0
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 100.0%
Comments at time added: 2
Total interactions at time added: 7
Camera: Logitech Webcam
Post Production: None
Location: Home
Other people featured: Christopher Chadwick, Katarzyna Ogrodnik-Zawadzka
Genre: Environmental
Music used: Die Lorelei, and Auf Fluegeln des Gesanges bei Heine, and Roeslein rot in Japanese.
Languages used: English, French, German, others
Animals/plants featured: None
Other remarks:

Visiting Geneva or Senf, as the Germans have it, on business, seeing the Rat Museum, the Place de Nerves, and watching a game of wizard chess with colleagues and hearing a chess song from Armenia, before going on to visit the wall of the Reformers and seeing all the important Calvinists and the Church Calvin preached in, as well as eating at the Carnivore Restaurant, where charcuterie calls for sharp cutlery. Finally finishing off at Lemon Lake. A good time was had by all.

3 thoughts on “Geneva evening e-video

  1. Other than the obvious ‘_e_vening video’, it’s not occurring to me what _e-video_ could mean. Google’s not helping either.

  2. Well, there was an attempt by a few folk in the early YT community to coin the phrase “environmental video”. And the first one to come up with it was kenbank (now using his full name, kenneth Bankston). An example of what he had in mind with eVid, or environmental video, you can see here:

    Here he shows what it is like to drive through a part of the wine producing area of California with some commentary in order to feel the environment in a way you don’t really get from a scripted, cut TV documentary.

    Of course parts are not going to be that interesting but it is a chance to engage in something more real life than TV, and see a different part of the world.

    Most of the videos I ever made, once I settled into the mould where of this sort, whether walking, driving, sitting in a train or in a couple of cases even riding a bike. But the name didn’t really take off, if someone says “environment” t tends to make people think of conservationism, environmental protection, rather than just videoing what is around them outside the home.

    1. Ah, okay. Thanks for that. And yes, you are most fortunate there in Europe with the trains.

Your thoughts welcome, by all mean reply also to other community members!