Vratislavia pluvens


Playout date: 17 February 2007
Duration: 8:10
Views at the time added to HTV: 591
Likes at the time added to HTV: 6
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 0
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 100.0%
Comments at time added: 1
Total interactions at time added: 7
Total interactions to views 1.2%
Camera: Panasonic DMZ -FZ30
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – slight use
Location: Wroclaw main square, and Restauracja Lwowska in Wroclaw
Other people featured: Colleagues
Genre: Environmental
Music used: “Raindrops keeping falling on my head” karaoke version, and Fleetwood Mac “I wanna be with you everywhere
Languages used: English
Animals/plants featured: None
Other remarks:

Working in Wroclaw, or Breslau as the Germans called it, (it’s all about Tietz with them), it’s a good excuse to go out and eat after work with colleagues and show you the old town square and the Lwow Restaurant famous on that square.

I think this was the first ever time I had done covert filming, something you’ll see lots of later. You can see that this goes back to a time, which seems so long ago now, when people still used to smoke in restaurants. The only way to stop it turned out to be to outlaw it, smokers never managed to control themselves without being passed laws on.

The video name is a doff of the hat to the music festival Vratislavia cantans held here each year.

Quote of the clip: “There’s a bit of an element gathering over there…”

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