RL102 – 10 Basic Russian Grammar Lesson 10

Original playout date: 9 August 2007
Duration: 19:50

Explaining the expressions with the dative case of personal pronouns, мне надо, etc.

Please note that the tinyurls in the film have by now been recycled – I didn’t know that happens – and point at completely different things now. For the Nicholas Brown Dictionary please use  this link:

We end-up with a Russian song about a woman who asks a tree about her love life, like Adrian Mole’s mother or Pocahontas. It is a poetic conceit.

Quote of the clip: “I’m a cold-hearted bastard. I’m going to put a knife in you, or probably bullet, or maybe a little bit polonium in your coffee. Yes I keep it up to date don’t I? It’s not like those courses written in the Eighties it was all spiked umbrellas in those days.”

***Statistics and Credits***
Views at the time added to HTV: 13,556
Likes at the time added to HTV: 93
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 1
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 98.9%
Comments at time added: 27
Total interactions at time added: 121
Total interactions to views 0.9%
Camera: Logitech Webcam
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – medium use
Location: Home
Other people featured: None
Genre: Lesson
Music used: Oy ryabina, ryabinushka. (O rowan tree)
Languages used: English
Animals/plants featured: None
Other remarks: Don’t ask trees for advice on who to marry. If you don’t know who to marry, don’t… get… married! But that’s not what they did in the old days.

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