If ye love Me, keep My commandments

Playout date: 31 January 2007
Duration: 3:12
Views at the time added to HTV: 66,348
Likes at the time added to HTV: 76
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 11
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 87.4%
Comments at time added: 32
Total interactions at time added: 119
Camera: Panasonic DMZ -FZ30
Post Production: None
Location: Church of Holy Sepulchre, Warsaw
Other people featured: Nowa Orkiestra Kameralna
Genre: Concert
Music used: If ye love me, by Thomas Tallis
Languages used: English
Animals/plants featured: None
Other remarks:

This performance by Richard Berkeley’s Nowa Orkiestra Kameralna of Thomas Tallis’ wonderful setting of John 14:15-17 has been enjoyed by many people in this YT clip. Indeed, although the Church (where Chopin’s heart lies entombed in a pillar) was full of people on the night, one hundred times as many have heard this thanks to the wonders of YT and social media.

Richard Berkeley was then and remains now one of the treasures among the non_polish community of Warsaw. He has contributed immensely to the cultural and social life of this city and of my family’s experience of it. His view that music brings people together is only part of it. His great personality also has that effect. When I look through my contacts I am sometimes amazed to see the number of people I met through Richard.

Richard, if you should chance to be reading this, thank you.