Why the negativity?

Original YT playout date: 9 March 2010
Duration: 6:31

That’s the question I ask at the end of this random performance. I have to leave to film Pushkin killing a spider, and Sophie takes over. The film of Pushkin killing the spider is already up a long time on here and can be found under “”cat eating spider””, and in the background of that film you can hear the sounds of Sophie that you can see her making on this film, and vice versa.

In theory I could try and put the two films together into one and see what comes out… But not today.
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Huli Bit Me (Charlie autotune remix muckaround)

Original YT playout date: 9 January 2010
Duration: 1:25

Yes indeed, it’s another blatant bandwagon jump by Usenetposts Channel, as we do another remix of the famous “Charlie Bit My Finger” viral. I fully expect this to go every single bit as viral as all the other Charlie bandwagon jumpers have, and if not, I’ll jolly well want to know why!
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Sophie’s Piano Practice

Original YT playout date: 29 October 2009
Duration: 1:13

She’s on two hands, already. Progress can be painful, but as they say, “no paino, no piano”.
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How Deep is Your Love?

Original YT playout date: 10 October 2009
Duration: 4:38

Lucjan O. Poworocki makes an extraordinary rendition of this Gibbs Brothers classic. Afterwards the Boss gives a dressing down to Miss Jones for being inappropriately dressed at the office.

The Boss was a one-off character made by me but his only real distinguishing feature was having one eye. Other than that he was similar to other characters I had already done. The irony of someone with only one eye criticising colleagues for their apprearance at work was supposed to be something along the lines of beams and motes, but when I checked about real human cyclopses the images of cyclopia were too tragic really to be adjoined to any flippant humour, so effectively I didn’t take the idea any further.

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