Russian humour – Stairwells and Sleeper Carriages…

Original YT playout date: 24 December 2009
Duration: 1:45

These two short sketches from a Russian production company have been shown quite a bit in YouTube but never yet have they been adequately subtitled for a wider audience. As part of my quest to help people gain an understanding of the Russia psyche and Russian humour, here is a version subtitled by me, for your viewing pleasure.

To see much more of this sort of thing, go to this chap’s channel – As far as I know he owns the stuff, but I just wanted to give it a more adequate translation and thus broaden the audience for a couple of sketches. He has several hundred sketches, so Russian learners looking for things a bit more ribald (and I have had numerous requests for this) will find plenty of material on his channel.
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If Cassetteboy can do it, why can’t I?

Original YT playout date: 12 December 2009
Duration: 4:41

This film is made with material from the BBC website’s Digital Revolution section. There is a share-alike license allowing any YouTuber to do a Cassetteboy wannabe attempt on a collection of interview footage and other programme collateral such as music and graphics and city shots. I don’t have time to make a very serious competition entry, but since it’s allowed I thought I’d have a little mischief with Stephen Fry, Marissa Mayer, Chad Hurley et al, here. The link to the site if you want to join in is at the end of the film.
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“If I say” by Jo McCafferty – video remix

Original YT playout date: 13 August 2008
Duration: 4:27

I was given permish by my talk radio friend and not exactly unsigned artist (she has her own label, but if Universal, Sony et al are interested, who knows?) Jo McCafferty who wrote and also performs this lovely song, among numerous others which you can find on her channel and you can also see her talent on the Sunday night NTTBS shows on my channel.

I remixed the video a little bit, so you can go and see the original prior to the remix over on her channel! I’ll link to it off the video. There are also ways that you can buy the mp3s from her website.
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How free are people to make up their own mind?

Original YT playout date: 2 August 2008
Duration: 8:28

Many people can be found on British media and in other western media making broad brush negative comparisons about Islam and Christianity. Now there are SOME Christians who are as strict about forcing people to believe just as there are SOME Muslims like the Egyptian gentleman without his teeth in in this film, who God bless him, understands that faith which is forced under pain of punishment or even execution is valueless in the sight of God, and therefore we HAVE to allow freedom of choice, but from this show you can see very clearly that in Islamic countries there is no way people will accept you saying you are not a Muslim and just leave it at that. There is always going to be a bad consequence. The unwritten rule there is that you say “”I’m a good Muslim”” whatever you happen to think. There is no Christian country and there has not been for hundreds of years (yes, we failed in the past, but then put right the failure), where you cannot build a Mosque, or state yourself to be an atheist. But try building a Church or claiming to be an atheist in an Islamic state and see how far you get.

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