Ulotki dot. 1% dla mojej rodziny.

Punch cartoon (1907); illustrates the unpopula...
Punch cartoon (1907); illustrates the unpopularity amongst Punch readers of a proposed 1907 income tax by the Labour Party in the United Kingdom. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The below pdf’s are only intended for your kind attention if you are all three of the following:

1. Someone who pays income tax in Poland
2. Someone who knows and likes my internet output (on blogs, on YT, etc) and
3. Someone who hasn’t already a decision in mind as to where to allocate their 1% of tax.

The idea is that you could help us without it costing you a penny. I would also like for it to be not at the cost of any other worthy causes you may already be supporting, so please don’t take this as a request to divert to my family’s charitable funds away from anyone who is used to receiving your help.


Many thanks to those who are willing to take the trouble to include one of my family in their tax return.

Your thoughts welcome, by all mean reply also to other community members!