Birds of Poland

Original playout date: 7 November 2007
Duration: 4:30

Poland has a wide variety of birdlife, from white-headed eagles and great bustards down to tiny wrens and colourful golden orioles.
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Stalking Stork


Production date: June 2006
Playout date: 8/7/2006
Camera: Fuji Finepix
Post Production: None
Location: From Motel Petro in Torzym
Soundtrack info: Not sure of title, it was an early experiment with Audioswap when that service was still at Beta Version. Unlike some tracks I chose then, this one remained free and I didn’t have to replace it, but the credits are not showing and I don’t have them. I’ll be glad to add here if anyone knows.
Languages used: None
Animals featured: European stork, Ciconia alba

This was a nice close-up of a stork just walking the roadside near to the hotel where I stayed the night after the Copenhagen conference.

When we went to the Copenhagen conference I met the other guys at Motel Petro in Torzym on their way out and left my Chrysler in the guarded carpark there. We took Adam’s one to Denmark. Then we got back to here, Adam and Kasia went on to Katowice to set her off, but I had to go the next day to Gorzow Wielkopolski – some of the footage from then I already had placed on YT before this – and so I went my own way from there.

It was a simple ornithological piece, which I hoped would interest some people. If you click through and look at the stats on YT, though, you’ll see that there was very little interest in this piece for the first six months, which did disappoint me, but then gradually the hits started to come in, and now it is coming up to 6,000 hits, and running at a healthy rate.

Scenes from the Polish Countryside

Production date: 10 June 2006
Playout date: 16/6/2006
Camera: Fuji Finepix
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker with various effects
Location: West Poland

This was on the way back from Copenhagen, I was about to go on to Gorzow Wielkopolski and meet one client there – someone who later became a firm friend and still is – and just kept on with the experimental filming and photography here and there, but it’s still small because of the tiny memory card. Looking back I really regret not getting a bigger one sooner and not starting filming sooner. Thanks to this hobby my memories of the last four years will always be crisper and newer than those of the previous time.

I would liken having film with the motion and the sound included in comparison with pure stills photography as something akin to the comparison of having a still camera and not having a camera at all. Video with sound adds more than you might think.

However, it also enables you to add your own sound, and what this may well be my first ever attempt at is adding own recorded sound (this one was a recording taken with a sony dictaphone in Church) on an “environmental” vid (that is a video taken outside where you would be going anyway – your natural environment. It’s not about environmentalism) or “travlog”. I had already added bits of mp3s not recorded by myself to films, but I think this is the first to do this. It was a nice match between the Church choir singing a song – not very technically excellently, but with a fine spirit – the Church is – and the scenes of a girl feeding her goat which I was lucky enough to spot, and the poppies growing by the roadside and the stork footage (the latter gets repeated in its own film). There is something of Poland in the film.

The sepia effect you’ll see on this film, by the way, is a technique which I only ever used the once, although in theory it wouldn’t necessarily hurt to use again – this is in fact the holding of polarising sunglass over the camera lense. No sepia after-effect was actually used here. This could be useful in situations where there really is too much glare of the sun.