Cranes in Pomerania

Playout date: 15 March 2007
Duration: 1:07
Views at the time added to HTV: 832
Likes at the time added to HTV: 6
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 1
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 85.7%
Comments at time added: 2
Total interactions at time added: 9
Total interactions to views 1.1%
Camera: Panasonic DMZ -FZ33
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – slight use
Location: Pomerania, near Koszalin
Other people featured: None
Genre: Environmental
Music used: “Cranes” a Ukrainian folksong
Languages used: Ukrainian
Animals/plants featured: Cranes
Other remarks:

There is an unusual majestry about the crane, they fly very high and are rare, but it is a large and graceful bird and comes in flocks, not lone or in pairs or smaller groups like the storks. If you go in March to a farm in northern Poland, you have a chance to see the sight I record here, and it is worth the viewing,