Uncle Davey’s Herts Content, #4 “The Last Highwayman”

Original playout date: 23 February 2008
Duration: 11:48

This visit to Boxmoor features reminiscences of Hemel Hempstead School, a rant-on-the-hoof about trends in education in Britain today, and a look at the story of the death of James Snook or Robert Snooks, as he called himself, the last highwayman to be sentenced to death in England just over 200 years ago in this place, for the theft of 500 pounds from His Majesty’s mails.

If they did that to modern-day spammers and phishers and identity fraudsters that would soon put the fear of God into them, but standards appear to have slipped irretrievably since good old Snooks’es day.
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