Lord, for Thy tender mercy’s sake (Farrant)

Playout date: 9 February 2007
Duration: 2:56
Views at the time added to HTV: 29,900
Likes at the time added to HTV: 42
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 0
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 100.0%
Comments at time added: 13
Total interactions at time added: 55
Total interactions to views 0.2%
Camera: Panasonic DMZ -FZ31
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – heavy use
Location: Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Warsaw
Other people featured: FNOK
Genre: Concert
Music used: Henry Purcell, “Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our heartss”
Languages used: English
Animals/plants featured: None
Other remarks:

Another piece from the concert in aid of the Mine disaster in Halemab, hosted by Holy Sepulchre Church in Warsaw, the church most people know as where the heart of Chopin is entombed in one pillar.

This anthem was composed by Richard Farrant based on a text from the sixteenth century prayerbook “Lidley’s Prayers”:

“Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake,
lay not our sins to our charge,
but forgive that is past
and give us grace to amend our sinful lives;
to decline from sin and incline to virtue,
that we may walk in a perfect heart
before thee now and evermore.   ”

Quote of the clip: “to decline from sin and incline to virtue”

Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (Purcell)

Playout date: 9 February 2007
Duration: 2:33
Views at the time added to HTV: 36,674
Likes at the time added to HTV: 34
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 6
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 85.0%
Comments at time added: 15
Total interactions at time added: 55
Camera: Logitech Webcam
Post Production: None
Location: Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Warsaw
Other people featured: None
Genre: Concert
Music used: Henry Purcell, “Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our heartss”
Languages used: English
Animals/plants featured: None
Other remarks:

Another piece from the concert in aid of the Mine disaster in Halemab, hosted by Holy Sepulchre Church in Warsaw, the church most people know as where the heart of Chopin is entombed in one pillar.

This anthem was composed by Henry Purcell for the funeral of Queen Mary II in 1695.

I write these words on the birthday of Richard Berkeley who remains until today one of the most treasured friends we have made in Warsaw, and also the conduit of many other good friendships I have made, one of which with someone I also had the good fortune to meet today.