Polls – The Ultimate Tool for the Blogger…

So, dear readers, today is a Wednesday and according to the new plan which I laid out yesterday, Wednesday is polling day, which is unlike the UK where the tradition is to have ot on Thursdays and maybe I missed a trick there, in which case we can always change it later on.

Please note that there is a Polls section in the side navigation which easily takes you to various polls created here in the past.

The rules are simple, please go ahead and vote in the poll and you will see how others have voted to this point, and you can look at it again later on to see how that develops. The Poll should be URL linked to stop multiple voting from one place, as well as from one account. Of course, this doesn’t quite guarantee that nobody can change the poll but this is probably not one of the major opinion-forming fora in the world and therefore I don’t think anyone will go to the trouble of skewing the vote here, all it is is a bit of fun to see what other readers think on a variety of issues.

Today’s topic comes from the news and namely the news that the New Horizons Probe has sent us back a message from its fly-by of Ultima Thule, a name from mythology describing places outside the known world, especially the most northerly known point, which is the common name for the Kuiper belt body more formally known as (486958) 2014 MU69, when it has its dinner jacket on.

What’s your view?

Please comment and discuss all you like here, rather than in Polldaddy.