Flu Jab

Original playout date: 3 December 2007
Duration: 1:42

“It’s not a good thing to get a flu jab, anymore. We used to have an annual flu jab for all the family, as you can see going on here, but since the WHO has started to encourage countries to have enforced vaccination, it may be useful to know why this happens. You can look at a film by Jane Burgermeister and find out what has happened to the flu vaccine, especially the so-called swine flu vaccine.

The swine flu is a relatively mild disease, killing fewer people than seasonal flu. Many countries currently reporting higher swine flu deaths are no longer reporting their usual seasonal flu deaths, simply reclassifying these deaths as swine flu deaths.

Squalene, mercury, and contamination with avian flu virus has been found in the new mass vaccine. The items contained lead many people to believe that it is a eugenics weapon or “”soft-kill”” weapon being used to cull off large proportions of the population in stages over the next ten years, in order to delay peak oil, and also to social engineer the position of certain elite groups and families.

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