Farewell Video of Extraordinary Mognitude

Original YT playout date: 14 November 2009
Duration: 1:09:34

“If you like long goodbyes, then this is the place for you. This one lasts well over an hour!

Lord Moggy, of nightshiftmoggy channel, as well as one of the stars of this channel, decided that his one and a half year visit to Europe has to come to an end. He has seen new things, made new acquaintances, learned a bit of the language, ate different foods – but it ain’t home. Like Peter Allen, he still calls Australia home, so off he flies.

You’ve seen him on this channel about fifteen to twenty times, maybe even more. This is his last interview before I took him to the airport, and he blows the whistle on certain unscrupulous practices he encountered recently, and his adventures in Ukraine, including getting deported.

This tells us some of the story of an extraordinary modern adventurer, the resilience of a man who lost everything, and then decided at last to follow a dream, even though everyone thought he was mad.

An account of someone who is at once a street moggy and a lord – a nearly penniless man … who has enriched us all.”
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Talking the Moggy

Original YT playout date: 1 May 2008
Duration: 4:37

Australian fun continues as we get Lord Moggy’s first impressions of Poland. He had the opportunity to go out into the Polish countryside, see horses, storks and special Polish greyhounds.
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Walking the Moggy

Original YT playout date: 1 May 2008
Duration: 6:51

His Lordship finally arrived from Australia, so we went for a walk around the streets of Warsaw.
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Introducing Lord Brucey!

Original playout date: 16 August 2007
Duration: 6:49

I did only one with this spoof character, which was invented to troll out my Ozzie friend Graham Rose, who called himself “Lord Moggy” who started out as a viewer of the channel, who ended up coming over to Poland and working with us for about fifteen months.

Lord Brucey is of course hanging upside down as an Australian spoof figure. He reads Samuel Coleridge’s “Xanadu” and then sings the song based on that poem by Olivia Newton-John and the wonderful Electric Light Orchestra.

I always intended to do a bit of him again, but never got afround to it. That having been said, I still do have that hat…

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