Huliganov’s first ever rant!



Production date:    30 September 2006
Playout date:    30 September 2006
Camera:    Logitech Webcam
Post Production:    Windows Movie Maker – slight use
Location:    Home
Other people featured: None
Genre: Hulirant
Music used:    Gremin’s Aria, Eugene Onegin, Tchaikovsky
Languages used:    English Russian
Animals featured:    None


This piece is the first ever Huliganov rant, and actually I’m a but disappointed that a lot of people who watch and say they enjoy Huli‘s lessons didn’t also look up the rants by the same persona. This remains at under a thousand views, and not much discussion or rating.

Hulliganov offers here his disappreciation of noisy neighbours and his appreciation of the Chinese people for not making themselves unnecessarily tall.