Sophie at Warsaw Zoo, December 2006

5 October 2017

Playout date: 4 December 2006
Duration: 7:24
Views at the time added to HTV: 6,451
Likes at the time added to HTV: 8
Dislikes at time added to HTV: 4
Popularity % ” ” ” =L/(L+D): 66.7%
Comments at time added: 4
Total interactions at time added: 16
Camera: Logitech Webcam
Post Production: Windows Movie Maker – medium use
Location: Warsaw Zoo
Other people featured: Sophie James
Genre: Zoo/aquarium
Music used: “Chung Kuo” by Vangelis, “Kichikichi Batta” by Tomozaku Murakami, plus ambient zoo noises
Languages used: English and Polish
Animals/plants featured: Patagonian conure, peacock, mandrill, chipmunks, ring-tailed lemur, and dozens more
Other remarks:

What a cutie Sophie was at age six! They grow up quick though. Featuring a bit of chipmunk talking, plus criticism of bad behaviour by other zoo guests (something I regularly have to do, more’s the pity), and the stars of the show, the talking cockatoos.

A Day Out at Warsaw zoo


Production date: 6 July 2006
Playout date: 6/7/2006
Camera: Fuji Finepix
Post Production: WMM
Location: Warsaw Zoo.
Soundtrack info: Mokotow Cocktails “Swing low, sweet chariot”

This was a lovely day for me, as for the first time I managed to get all my daughters together for a day out (first and second marriages) and we went to Warsaw zoo. This is a memento of that trip.

The singing in the background was a covert recording at a practice session of the Mokotow Cocktails, and is not as finely-honed as they would normally do for performance, but I think it sounds very nice anyway, and in some places I managed to hang some images around the words of the song.

The Mokotow Cocktails were a choir in Warsaw which existed in the mid 2000s, but disbanded after the director of the choir, David B (the male voice you can hear with mine on the track) had to leave Poland as his wife was a diplomat and sent for another country posting. (I won’t use the surname because the place they went onto is somewhere I’d call less safe than Poland). Elena and I greatly enjoyed being part of it for some months towards the end. But alas, the pleasure was not destined to continue for long.