Count von Weytzentrenner’s Oktoberfest appeal to North Korea

Playout date: 7 October 2006
Camera: Logitech Webcam
Post Production: WMM
Location: Home
Other people featured: My wife
Genre: Comedy
Music used: A little “Lano Moje” in the intro
Languages used: English, German
Animals featured: None

Oktoberfest is, for Germans, one of the most important dates in the Christian calendar, but while drinking copious amounts of alcohol and swaying from side to side, spare a thought for the North Koreans, and  their leader King John the second, who needs to give up his weapons testing. Count Sproey von Weytzentrenner has no truck with Communists, and is sure that King John of Korea feels likewise, and sings him “Born Free” in a hamster’s voice, accompanied on the beerstein.

Watching this I can’t help feeling a lot of reminiscence as it was only 5 years ago but still my wife was able to walk freely around the home without crutches. How fine she looks in this video.